The constitution of Council and the conduct of elections to it are closely governed by the Institute’s Charter and Byelaws.
The organisation is a charitable incorporated organisation registered as a charity on 11 November 1963 in England and Wales. The charity is constituted under a constitution date of 1925. The Charter, which was last updated in 1995, governs the constitution of the Institute and is continually being reviewed in order accurately to reflect the current activities of the Institute.
The Textile Institute is run democratically by and for its members all over the world by its Council, the Trustees of the Institute, and representatives from Sections and Special Interest Groups.
The trustees are members of the Council but this entitles them only to voting rights. The trustees have no beneficial interest in the charity. All trustees give their time voluntarily and receive no benefits from the charity.
It is from amongst its members that Council normally selects future Chairmen, Vice-Chairmen, Honorary Secretaries, Honorary Treasurers, and members of certain committees. It is important to ensure that Council is fully representative, so that it guides the Institute’s development in a way that reflects the wishes of its membership.
As part of its programme, the Council carries out a full risk assessment of the Institute and its affairs, which is ongoing and illustrates the sound governance of the Institute. As part of the Institute’s management, other good practices have been updated or instigated, for example a clear and comprehensive Staff Handbook, Register of Interests, Risk Assessment of TI events and those partnered with Sections/Special Interest Groups and external bodies and a Council Handbook.