Support offered by The Textile Institute Benevolent Committee in 2023
The Benevolent Committee is committed to assisting members who are in financially difficult circumstances with the costs associated with maintaining their Institute membership and professional qualifications. It has been a difficult for many and the Institute would like to hear from members who may have been made redundant from their job, are working reduced hours or finding themselves in trying circumstances and unable to pay the membership subscription fee and / or apply for a TI professional qualification.
The Textile Institute Benevolent Society was established nearly 60 years ago to help eligible Textile Institute members or their dependants who find themselves in need. In recent years, this has included assisting TI members of at least three years’ standing who have become unemployed, by paying a contribution towards TI membership fees.
Members who wish to seek assistance or would like to make a general enquiry are to contact the Secretary to the Benevolent Committee, Stephanie Dick, Chief Executive Officer via email on
For those wishing to receive assistance in the first instant is to contact the Secretary to the Benevolent Committee with a brief explanation of their current circumstance.
The Textile Institute World Conference
This event is held at exciting and relevant locations around the globe and is in an important meeting point for the textile industry and members worldwide. The social events associated with the conference bring together the global community to enjoy the host country’s culture and hospitality.