About Us
The Textile Institute is the professional body for people and organisations working in the textile, clothing and footwear associated industries worldwide. For more than 110 years, the Institute has been bringing together professionals from all over the world for the exchange of ideas, and a social community promoting friendship among members. It is an international organisation governed by a Council representing members globally.
The Textile Institute is run democratically by and for its members all over the world by, the Trustees of the Institute, and representatives from Sections, Special Interest Groups and internal committees.
As a registered Charity with a Royal Charter the role of the Institute is to advance the general interests of the textile industry worldwide, more particularly in relation to the acquisition and application of knowledge for the benefit of mankind.
Our Story
The launch of the new website provides a fitting opportunity to recall past achievements and to look to the future of this important professional body which serves a major industry of worldwide significance.
The Textile Institute invites you to view its story and if you would like to contribute to our rich heritage by sharing a story, an image or a key date in the timeline please email tiihq@textileinst.org.uk

Annual Reports
The Textile Institute produces an Annual Report which provides an account of the activities of the Institute throughout the preceding year. Events and activities as well as key achievements are recorded, an overview of the main publishing partners and works carried out by the professional services is listed.
Governance & Royal Charter
The Textile Institute was set up in Manchester and inaugurated in 1910 with 199 members from various areas of the textile industry worldwide. The Textile Institute is legally constituted by a Royal Charter, granted in Britain in 1925, and is registered as a charity in England.
Our Council
The Council is the Institute’s international governing body, and is composed of regional representatives and an equal number of members elected by the membership at large. The constitution of Council and the conduct of elections to it are closely governed by the Institute’s Charter and Byelaws.
Benevolent Committee
The Textile Institute Benevolent Society was established 50 years ago to help eligible members who find themselves in need. In recent years this has included providing assistance to TI members who have become unemployed, by paying a contribution towards their membership fees and support to student members.
Join the world’s leading professional textiles body
Join us and be part of an international, professionally diverse network of members and meet like minded individuals whilst enhancing your skill set.