Our Council
The Textile Institute elections to Council occur at the start of each year. The Council is the Institute’s international governing body, and is composed of nominees from the duly constituted Section, National & Regional Committees and an equal number of members elected by the membership at large. The constitution of Council and the conduct of elections to it are closely governed by the Institute’s Charter and Byelaws.
Elections to Council
It is from among its members that Council normally selects future Chairmen, Vice-Chairmen, Honorary Secretaries, Honorary Treasurers, and members of certain committees. It is important to ensure that Council is fully representative of regions and specialisms, so that it guides the Institute’s development in a way that reflects the wishes of its membership.
Annually, nominations are invited to fill vacancies that will occur for membership of The Textile Institute’s Council. In the event of the number of candidates exceeding the number of vacancies, there will be a postal ballot of all voting members. Those elected will take office from the date of the next Annual General Meeting, which takes place in the month of May.
Elected members normally serve for a period of three years, after which time they may submit themselves for re-election. However, no member may serve for more than three consecutive terms without taking a break of at least one year. Council normally meets at least five times a year.
Please read the notes to ascertain whether you are eligible for election and to ensure that you complete the form correctly. Those who would be willing to offer themselves for nomination but do not know how to contact proposers or seconders should contact the CEO, Stephanie Dick well in advance of the closing date, who will work to support you in your application.
Nominees will be required to do the following:
- respond to calling notices and meetings in a timely manner.
- read Minutes and Agendas and offer comments on circulated documents when requested, and where appropriate to do so.
- offer practical and consistent help to TI functions.
It is not possible to be precise about the number of vacancies which occur annually because it is not yet known which current members will stand for re-election or be chosen to represent a particular geographical region.
Nominations close at 12 noon on Friday 14 March 2025.
Please download the form below if you would like to apply to join the Council of The Textile Institute and return the form to the email below.