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University of Huddersfield – Sustainable Apparel & Textiles (SAT) in the Circular Economy

University of Huddersfield – Sustainable Apparel & Textiles (SAT) in the Circular Economy
SAT in the Circular Economy: A Transdisciplinary Exchange
Sustainability, particularly within the context of textiles and apparel is a global concern. This two-day transdisciplinary exchange is for research-academics, research-students and professionals with interests in sustainable apparel and textiles, and the circular economy. We warmly invite papers and poster presentations from a range of academic disciplines and speakers from the creative industries to share research, knowledge, experience, practice, and thoughts regarding the future of the apparel and textiles industries, the environment and consumer / society well-being.
This exciting symposium provides a new forum to facilitate transdisciplinary opportunities and approaches to create a new understanding of the challenges and idea generation for potential solutions, which may be conceptual, theoretical or methodological, addressing:
- The textile waste management conundrum
- The broader sustainability issues that the apparel / fashion and textiles industries face
- The wider implications of a circular economy
The symposium brings together researchers and experts to develop new understandings of how industry practice and consumer practice may change in order to benefit global environments, people and creative economies. Contributions are welcomed from a range of disciplines and subject areas including, but not limited to:
- Design and make
- Technology and production
- Business and marketing
- Consumer behaviour and consumption
- Re-use, recycle, upcycle
- Trends and trend forecasting
- Apparel / fashion, accessories, homeware and interiors
- Textile art
New debates will be stimulated through Keynote Speeches and an Open Forum with Panel Members (details to follow), Research Paper Presentations and Poster Presentations, including the presentation of a funded project entitled ‘Creating sustainable apparel consumption: Educating through Performance’ (a collaboration between Fashion & Textiles, Business and Performance disciplines).
Best Papers:
- The ten best Research Student papers / posters will be awarded a full fee waiver for the symposium.
- Following the symposium authors of the twelve best papers will be invited to contribute a chapter to an edited book.
- Early Bird: £180
- Regular: £210
- Students: £180 – fee waivers for the best 10 student papers /posters
- Evening meal to be booked separately £35
- Day rates:
- Day 1 regular: £120; Student: £100
- Day 2 regular: £100; Student: £70
To book your place please visit: www.hud.ac.uk/the-university/adaevents/sat-in-the-circular-economy/#!#papersub
When booking, please make it clear to the University on the title page that you are a TI Member.