Donations & Fundraising

How Donations help?
Donations raised thus far have been invested in redeveloping the TI website, improving the infrastructure such as IT and library facilities and increasing the Institute’s visibility through promotional activities. A number of Student and Graduate competitions, awards as well as apprenticeships have been funded utilising the Foundation Funds.
Phase 3 of the Foundation Fund will be revitalised in 2021 with the launch of the new website and on an already strong base. It will provide support (but not limited to) Student and Graduate Competitions, awards and bursaries, special projects and the development of the Institutes portfolio of services to members and the associated textile industries worldwide.
In addition The Textile Institute welcomes donations and project ideas from industry and non-members.
If you would like to make a donation or make a proposal, please contact Stephanie Dick, Chief Executive Officer via email
Money within the Foundation is separately recognised and administrated within the Institute’s accounts and is overseen by the Honorary Officers.
Our thanks go to the following members who have generously donated to the appeal.
- Dr J D Cunning CompTI
- The Textile Institute Hong Kong Section Ltd
- CapitB
Supporter and Benefactor
- Mr D S Buck CText FTI FCFI
- Dr P H Dinsdale CText FTI
- Sir N B Smith CBE CText FTI
- The Textile Institute Lahore Section
General and Friend
- Lord Alliance CompTI
- Dr K Baird CText FTI
- Mr D G Bell CText FTI
- Mr M J Blake CText ATI
- Ms K M Bull CText ATI
- Mr C B Byford CBE CText ATI
- Mr P Byrom OBE CText FTI
- Mr B Campbell JP CText FTI
- Dr G Carnaby CText FTI
- Ms M L Cheng CText ATI ACFI
- Mr W Clayton CText ATI
- Mr J C Cullen CText ATI
- Dr J D Cunning CompTI
- Mr A Dandolo Hon FTI
- Mr S R K Dawber CText FTI
- Dr G Ford
- Mr B B De Vince CText ATI
- Mrs S L Dick
- Mr M Fisher ACFI
- Mr R R Franck CText FTI
- Prof J C Furniss CText FTI
- Mr E J Gordon CText ATI
- Dr H Gordon-Williams CText FTI
Our thanks go to the following members and TI Partners who have generously donated to the appeal for the Website Project 2019.
Special Project Sponsor £15,000
Pentland Charity Fund
- Pentland Brands
- Cotton Council Incorporated
- Dr J D Cunning CompTI
- Mr W Bohm CompTI CText FTI FCFI
Our donations counter
The Textile Institute Council aims to raise some GBP£100,000 (on top of membership fees), not just to keep the current levels of service but to raise the organisation to a new operational order better suited to the membership of the 21st Century.
Five donor nomenclatures are proposed and each will receive benefits:
- Champion £5000
- Benefactor £3000
- Supporter £1000
- Friend £500
- General £100
The Textile Institute welcomes anonymous donations of any amount, from anyone, at any time.
How you can help The Textile Institute?
We welcome anonymous donations of any amount, from anyone, at any time.
We welcome ideas for fundraising from members and non-members.
We encourage all Sections and Special Interest Groups to consider ways of generating income locally and internationally.
We welcome expertise and support in kind – for marketing and special events particularly.