Benefits of Corporate Membership
Corporate Membership allows organisations to keep up to date with what is happening in the textile industry locally, nationally and globally. Please find below various Corporate Member benefits.
- Exclusive rights to use the TI Corporate Member logo on all organisation ID
- Web listing – Logo, contact details, and web link
- Profile in textiles magazine that is distributed to a 2000 plus readership
- Use TI social media and newsletter to share news and promote organisation

- Sections – Take part and network at local events
- Promotion of organisation events and activities on the TI website and other media
- SIGs – Take the platform and raise issues relating to specific industry sectors worldwide
- All staff can attend TI events worldwide for free or with a substantial discount

Information Service
- Quick enquiries from the Information department
- Advertise latest employment opportunities via the Institute’s website
- 20% discount on most TI services including advertising rates

- textiles magazine: digital and hard copy format
- Annual Report
- Receive the Journal of The Textile Institute and Textile Progress in both digital and hard copy format
- Unlimited access to Textile Terms and Definitions (TT&D)

Premier Services
- One complimentary place at the annual Parliamentary Lunch
- One complimentary one day place on one of the Introduction to Textiles Short Course
- One half page advert in TI News section of textiles
- One complimentary newsletter or update a year emailed to TI members and other databases
- A Premier Member’s logo will be displayed and promoted on the homepage of the TI website.
… and more

Join Us
Join the world’s leading professional textiles body
Join us and be part of an international, professionally diverse network of members and meet like minded individuals whilst enhancing your skill set.
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