Anthropometry, Apparel Sizing and Design (2nd Edition)

  • Published:
    • 2019
  • Format:
    • paperback

SKU: 9780081026045 Category:


2nd Edition

Part I: Anthropometry and garment sizing systems
1. New directions in the field of anthropometry, sizing and clothing fit
2. Anthropometric methods for apparel design
3. National size and shape surveys for apparel design
4. Developing apparel sizing system using anthropometric data: Body size and shape analysis, key dimensions and data segmentation
5. Apparel size designation and labelling

Part II: Body measurement devices and techniques
6. Full body 3D scanners
7. Scanning technologies for 4D scanning, motion analysis

Part III: Testing and evaluation of fit
8. Fabric, Seam and Design Applications in Developing Body Contouring Jeans
9. Evaluation of pattern block for fit testing

Part IV: Designing for specific functions
10. Sizing and fit for swimwear
11. Sizing and fit for protective clothing
12. Sizing and fit for footwear
13. Sizing and fit for pressure garments
14. Sizing and fit for plus size men and women wear


Anthropometry, Apparel Sizing and Design, Second Edition, reviews techniques in anthropometry, sizing system developments, and their applications to clothing design. The book addresses the need for the improved characterization of population size, weights and the shapes of consumers. This new edition presents the very latest advances, and is expanded to include in-depth coverage of sizing and fit for specific groups and applications. Sections cover the development of sizing systems, classification and body types, the use of anthropometric data, body measurement devices and techniques, including 3D scanners for the full body and for particular body parts, 4D scanning technology and motion analysis.

Additional sections cover testing and the evaluation of fit and anthropometric sizing systems for particular functions, thus reflecting the increasing need for apparel to meet specific needs, such as in swimwear, protective clothing, mobility, intimate apparel, footwear and compression garments.

This book will be an essential reference source for apparel designers, manufacturers, retailers and merchandisers. Its detailed information and data will also be of great interest to researchers and postgraduate students across clothing technology, product design, fashion and textiles.