Sustainable textiles: Life cycle and environmental impact

  • Published:
    • 2009
  • Format:
    • Hardcover
  • ISBN:
    • 9781845694531


Sustainable textiles reviews ways of achieving more sustainable materials and technologies as well as improving recycling in the industry. The first part of the book discusses ways of improving sustainability at various points in the supply chain. Chapters discuss how sustainability can be integrated into textile design, ensuring more sustainable production of both natural and synthetic fibres, improving sustainability in processes such as dyeing as well as more environmentally-friendly technologies including enzyme and plasma technologies. The second part of the book reviews consumer perceptions of recycled textiles, eco-labelling, organic textiles and the use of recycled materials in textile products. With a distinguished editor and an impressive range of international contributors, Sustainable textiles will be an important reference for the textile industry and those researching this important topic.