Research Journals
The Journal of The Textile Institute, first published in 1910, is one of the leading international publications devoted to research and innovation in all areas of textiles, including, science, engineering, economics, management, marketing and design.
The Journal of The Textile Institute
The Journal is published on behalf of The Textile Institute by Taylor & Francis and 12 issues are published each year.
The Journal of The Textile Institute publishes papers focusing on scientific and technical subjects, including fundamental theoretical or experimental investigations, developments in production processes, machinery, treatment, dyeing, finishing, testing and use in relation to all aspects of textiles including fibres, yarns, fabrics, clothing and footwear, interior and technical textiles.
The Journal of The Textile Institute is abstracted/indexed in: Chemical Abstract Service; Coloration Technology Abstracts; Compendex; Science Citation Index – Expanded; SCOPUS; INSPEC; Polymer Library; Textile Technology Index; TOGA; World Textile Abstracts.
Prof X Wang CText FTI PhD Pro Vice-Chancellor (Future Fibres), Deakin University, Australia
Dr X Chen CText FTI PhD Reader in Textile Engineering and Materials, Department of Materials, The University of Manchester, UK
Prof B Ding PhD Vice Director, Innovation Center for Textile Science & Technology, Donghua University, China
Prof Ahmed El-Shafei PhD Director, Polymer and Color Chemistry Program, North Carolina State University, USA
Prof R Laing Hon FTI CText FTI PhD MS DipEd Acting Director, Centre for Materials Science & Technology, University of Otago, New Zealand
Dr S S Muthu PhD Research Associate, Institute of Textiles and Clothing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Prof R Fangueiro University of Minho, Portugal
Prof C Carr University of Leeds, UK
Prof E Devaux ENSAIT, France
Prof Fatma Göktepe Namık Kemal University, Turkey
Dr T Gries Institut für Textiltechnik, Germany
Prof S Jayaraman Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
Prof C Kan Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Prof P Kiekens University of Ghent, Belgium
Dr P Kilduff California State Polytechnic University, USA
Prof I Krucinska Technical University of Lodz, Poland
A Manich CSIC Spanish National Research Council, IQAC, Spain
Prof M Montazer Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran
Prof A Mujumdar IIT Delhi, India
Dr R Rossi EMPA, Switzerland
Prof S Russell CText FTI University of Leeds, UK
Prof M Takatera Shinshu University, Japan
Prof L Zhang Wuhan Textile University, China

The Journal of The Textile Institute®
The Journal of The Textile Institute, first published in 1910, is one of the leading international publications devoted to research and innovation in all areas of textiles, including, science, engineering, economics, management, marketing and design.